We are delighted to welcome The Rev. Erin Hougland as our guest preacher this Sunday, Feb. 16. Many of you may fondly remember Erin from her time as our director of discipleship and associate priest here at Good Samaritan from 2016-2018. She is the Associate Rector for Community Engagement & Vitality at Trinity Episcopal Church in Indianapolis at 32nd Street […]
We’re delighted to have Bishop Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows at Good Sam’s on Sunday, March 1. As Bishop, Jennifer serves as Good Samaritan’s chief pastor. Bishop Jennifer will preside and preach at 10 a.m., and then spend time in conversation with us after worship about Good Sam’s next steps in Growing Courageous Neighbors. Pro Episcopal tips: When the Bishop comes (which is […]
Allison Victoria will be our guest musician and then share about the musical and cultural traditions in her church after the service. Allison is a soulful singer/songwriter and the leader of an Indianapolis based band. She’s been on WFYI’s Small Studio and Curious Mix. In addition to her own work, Victoria has also been featured on tracks with diverse local […]
Enjoy good food, good beverages, and good conversation at Pub Theology! Rosie Bryant, LSW will be our speaker at Pub Theology on Tuesday, February 11 at 6:00 p.m. at Green Street Pub. A Community Organizer for Faith in Indiana, Bryant works to build coalitions among marginalized people and people of faith in the central Indiana area to act collectively for […]
Family Promise transforms the lives of families experiencing homelessness and poverty in Hendricks County, by providing housing, stability services and homelessness prevention, with the goal of achieving sustainable independence. Can you help us prepare a delicious dinner for the families when they will be at Messiah Lutheran Church next Thursday, Feb. 6 from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m.? Be in touch with […]
Going Deeper is a small group designed primarily for newcomers to Good Sam’s, though it is open to everyone. We will meet over four Sundays (February 2, 9, 16, and 23) from 4:00-5:30 p.m. and spend time getting to know each other by studying some Bible stories that are key to Good Sam’s identity and mission. We also offer each person an opportunity to share […]
The Annual Meeting of Good Samaritan Episcopal Church was on Sunday, January 26, 2020. Highlights included: Father Gray presented the recommendation of the 2019 Strategic Planning team, which has been accepted and embraced by the Bishop’s Committee. We are being called to pursue the path of building a village hub on the 56th Street property, where Good Sam’s would be one […]
As part of our Growing Courageous Neighbors exploration, young Good Samaritans and their families are invited to attend the 2 p.m. showing of The Watsons Go to Birmingham at the Indiana Repertory Theatre on Sunday, Feb. 23rd. Good Samaritans will meet the Watsons of Flint, Michigan: Momma, Dad, little sister Joetta, big brother Byron, and ten-year-old Kenny. When Byron can’t […]
Join us for our annual community celebration of diversity! Sponsored by the Hendricks County Alliance for Diversity, the annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration and Multicultural Pitch-in Dessert provides a family-friendly opportunity for people of all cultures to come together to share a dessert and fellowship. This event is free to attend, but space is limited. Attendees are […]
In 2019, the Good Sam’s congregation grew by 12%…that is simply amazing! Thank you for inviting your family and friends into our community and for welcoming our many newcomers. As we continue to grow, we want everyone to continue to connect names and faces so that we are a community of servants where everyone is known, honored, welcomed, and included. We’re creating a Good […]