Join us for our annual community celebration of diversity! Sponsored by the Hendricks County Alliance for Diversity, the annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration and Multicultural Pitch-in Dessert provides a family-friendly opportunity for people of all cultures to come together to share a dessert and fellowship. This event is free to attend, but space is limited. Attendees are asked to bring a dessert representative of their culture or heritage. We are excited to welcome our keynote speaker Derrin Slack, founder of ProAct Indy, an Indiana nonprofit committed to engaging youth in public service that educates delights, and inspires the youth and those they serve. Register now to reserve your seat at the table! The event will be held on Monday, January 20 from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. (we encourage everyone to arrive at 6 p.m. to mingle) at Washington Township Park (Pavilion, 435 Whipple Lane, Avon, IN 46213). Want to volunteer? Sign up now!

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