Helene Russell will offer a Restorative/Yin Yoga practice during Holy Week, on Tuesday, April 7 at 6 p.m. This practice is designed to still the mind as we let the body release into the poses. We will hold the poses for a few minutes as gravity helps the body and spirit sink into stillness. Our scriptural reference is “Be Still […]
Good Samaritan will be joining with our larger Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis to observe a virtual Holy Week at the IndyDio Virtual Abbey. Several congregations, including Good Sam’s, are “hosting” special services throughout the week. While this Holy Week will, for certain, be different from any that we’ve ever experienced, we invite you to lean in to the uniqueness of […]
In the midst of the deep darkness of this Pandemic, the light has shined giving us some extraordinary moments of hope, peace, love, joy and faith. Have you experienced the light yourself? As a Good Sam Church, we want to capture some of those moments and put them in a book. Will you share yours? Just write what is on […]
Palm Sunday will look a lot different this year. The beginning of Holy Week starts off so beautifully, even in the school gymnasium where we rent space for our weekly worship. Our Good Sam’s Littles, Kids and Explorers all line up with palms, waving them just as triumphantly as the crowds did so long ago, shouting, “Hosanna!” to welcome our […]
If you like to read, or if you enjoy good conversation about books, this is the community for you! Our Book Group will meet to discuss Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens over Zoom on Monday, April 6 at 6:30 p.m. The best part? You don’t have to read the book to be a part of the chat (though […]
Dear Friends, I’m writing you to be a part of Good Samaritan’s upcoming Catechumenate, which is our intensive course for newcomers that runs each spring. Catechumenate is an old-fashioned churchy word that we’ve intentionally kept because its meaning is rich: it means learning by hearing, geared especially for those ready to make a step of maturity in your Christian faith. For Good Sam’s […]
Good Samaritan’s own Brian Dixon, who serves as Director of Public Health Informatics for Regenstrief Institute and IU Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health at IUPUI, will join us for a one hour forum next Tuesday, March 31 from 7:00-8:00 p.m. on Zoom. He’ll offer general conversation about the coronavirus from the perspective of public health, some insights into […]
When David Huang and I were asked by the Bishop’s Committee to coordinate and assist the five Next Step Teams, I felt honored and a little intimidated. The team chiefs had all been involved with the strategic planning committee last year and had already shown their expertise. Their roles now are the following: Program (finding not-for-profit partners) – Ellen Burton […]
Need a little namaste to overcome the social distancing? We do, too. The #ChurchThatServes will offer our community a meet-up online with Dr. Helene Russell, certified yoga instructor and teacher of theology, to practice a bit of centering and meditation through body prayer and presence. You only need a chair or a mat, a space large enough to not hit […]
Social distancing got you feeling disconnected? Make connections and deepen your spirituality with our first ever Virtual Going Deeper, which begins this Monday, March 23 at 6:30! We will meet March 23, 24, and 26 from 6:30 to 8:00 via the Zoom “meeting” room.  Going Deeper is one of the best ways to get to know other Good Samaritans and […]