Need a little namaste to overcome the social distancing? We do, too. The #ChurchThatServes will offer our community a meet-up online with Dr. Helene Russell, certified yoga instructor and teacher of theology, to practice a bit of centering and meditation through body prayer and presence. You only need a chair or a mat, a space large enough to not hit […]
Social distancing got you feeling disconnected? Make connections and deepen your spirituality with our first ever Virtual Going Deeper, which begins this Monday, March 23 at 6:30! We will meet March 23, 24, and 26 from 6:30 to 8:00 via the Zoom “meeting” room.  Going Deeper is one of the best ways to get to know other Good Samaritans and […]
Now more than ever, we stand ready to serve our community. Are you able to help out your fellow Good Samaritans and vulnerable community members in need by running errands, assisting with groceries, etc.? Click here to help us assemble everyone’s availability in one place so we can quickly mobilize when needs arise.
Each week, we’re sharing updates from our Next Steps Teams, who are continuing to meet and work virtually even during Social Distancing. Our Building Team has already begun developing a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for architects to submit design proposals later this year for an approximately 20,000 square foot building for our village hub concept on the 56th Street property. […]