Good Samaritan’s strategic planning group has recently completed the following as we develop a plan for meeting and worshipping when our lease at Harris Academy expires in August 2021:

  • We conducted a congregational listening/brainstorming gathering on May 5, with more than 85 in attendance, which generated many creative ideas.
  • We completed a professional demographics analysis of Brownsburg, Avon, and the Eagle Creek area zip codes, learning where hotspots of current and future growth will be.
  • We have conducted 25+ one-on-one interviews with leaders of local companies, nonprofits, schools, and other churches to investigate possible partnerships for co-locating or building together.
  • We have surveyed the five neighborhoodsaround the 56th Street property owned by the Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis to find out what community needs/wants/desires exist.

By fall, we will have a list of semi-finalist ideas to share with the congregation for further feedback. Our group remains on track to make a recommendation of finalist options to the Bishop’s Committee by December 31, 2019. In all we are considering, we are seeking to remain true to our core call: to be a church that loves, serves, and includes all people, no exceptions. All of this work and ministry is possible because of you and your generous gifts. If you have questions, ideas, or comments you’d like to share, please contact Mary Kerstein.



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