In-person worship resumes this Sunday at 10 a.m.! We’re excited to get to see you all again. Here’s three things to know about the new setup: If you’re joining us in person, please be sure to wear a mask (ages 3 and up) regardless of your vaccination status. We recommend a high grade mask such as N95 or KN94 masks; […]
Join us on January 30 at 10 a.m. for Annual Meeting as we elect these terrific folks to Bishop’s Committee & Diocesan Convention! You can read about each of our nominees here.
The Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis will offer Implicit Bias & Microaggressions: Faithful Reflection and Discernment of Next Steps on January 29, via Zoom, at 9 a.m. Eastern/8 a.m. Central. The three-hour workshop will explore ways to name personal biases, recognize microaggressions, and teach tools to help create intentionally inclusive environments. Registration is required. The workshop will be led by Andrea […]
Our Outreach team is forming a welcome team through Exodus Refugee Immigration to welcome Afghan refugees. Even if you are not on that team, there are ways to help! Currently, Exodus is finding housing for these families and has a shortage of curtains. We will be collecting curtains via a porch drop starting today, January 21 and continuing through January […]
Today we’re taking an important next step toward our vision of the Village Hub, Good Sam’s future home! As of this morning, we have published our Request for Qualifications for a design firm to begin the schematic and design development work for the Village Hub building. Over the next few months, the Village Hub leadership team and constituent committees will […]
Please note that masks are required for all worshippers age 3 and older, at all in person services. December 19 | 11:15 a.m. | Harris Academy Worship with Christmas pageant  Our Sunday morning worship begins with the children and youth of Good Sam’s presenting their annual Christmas pageant, and ends with a celebration of Holy Communion, in which all are […]
What does love do? Love shows up! So we hope you’ll join us for one of our fall stewardship conversations to hear an update about our Village Hub work, chat about where Good Sam’s is heading next, and share together some reflection on our “What Does Love Do?” theme.  We’ll offer the same discussion four different times: Saturday 10/23, 10:30 – […]
Our 5th and 6th grade Explorers class reached out this week to the Sikh Satsang of Indianapolis to offer their friendship and sorrow in the wake of last weekend’s tragic shooting at the FedEx facility. We are grateful for their leadership and hospitality on our church’s behalf! You can read the full letter here.
If COVID numbers allow, we will gather on May 23 at 12:30 p.m. at Arbuckle Acres for a festive outdoor Pentecost service with Holy Communion and Baptism. If you are interested in baptism for yourself or your child, please reach out to Mother Beth. Stay tuned for more details!
As many of you know, Astrid Caruso-Lynch, our Parish Administrator, is currently studying at IU for her master’s degree in Arts Administration. One of Astrid’s degree requirements is to complete a summer internship, which she will be doing during the months of May and June at The Madeleine Choir School in Salt Lake City, Utah. This is an exciting opportunity […]