As many of you know, Astrid Caruso-Lynch, our Parish Administrator, is currently studying at IU for her master’s degree in Arts Administration. One of Astrid’s degree requirements is to complete a summer internship, which she will be doing during the months of May and June at The Madeleine Choir School in Salt Lake City, Utah.

This is an exciting opportunity for her, but means we will need to re-balance staff responsibilities during her time away. Barbie Russell, our incredible, multi-talented Director of Children’s & Family Ministries, will be helping out in various ways during this time. Barbie will be checking email regularly, answering our phone, and helping out with Sunday morning tech, among many other things, so you can reach out to her directly with any urgent administrative matters during this time. If you have any questions or concerns about this temporary change, please reach out to Astrid or Mother Beth.



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