Did you know that we have a group of Good Samaritans designated to pray for the needs of our community? Our Prayer Angels maintain a list of prayer requests and pray regularly for these people! Identifying information is removed unless specifically requested otherwise. If you have a prayer request, you can submit it directly to prayers@churchthatserves.wpstagecoach.com or one of our […]
Helene Russell will offer a Restorative/Yin Yoga practice during Holy Week, on Tuesday, April 7 at 6 p.m. This practice is designed to still the mind as we let the body release into the poses. We will hold the poses for a few minutes as gravity helps the body and spirit sink into stillness. Our scriptural reference is “Be Still […]
Good Samaritan will be joining with our larger Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis to observe a virtual Holy Week at the IndyDio Virtual Abbey. Several congregations, including Good Sam’s, are “hosting” special services throughout the week. While this Holy Week will, for certain, be different from any that we’ve ever experienced, we invite you to lean in to the uniqueness of […]
In the midst of the deep darkness of this Pandemic, the light has shined giving us some extraordinary moments of hope, peace, love, joy and faith. Have you experienced the light yourself? As a Good Sam Church, we want to capture some of those moments and put them in a book. Will you share yours? Just write what is on […]
Palm Sunday will look a lot different this year. The beginning of Holy Week starts off so beautifully, even in the school gymnasium where we rent space for our weekly worship. Our Good Sam’s Littles, Kids and Explorers all line up with palms, waving them just as triumphantly as the crowds did so long ago, shouting, “Hosanna!” to welcome our […]