Presiding Bishop Michael Curry teaches us that to be a follower of Jesus means that we boldly Walk in the Way of Love. Do you seek to explore more deeply what it means to be an adult follower of Jesus Christ who lives in The Way of Love?  We invite you to take part in Good Sam’s upcoming Catechumenate, beginning after worship starting Sunday, March 10 and meeting generally every other Sunday through May 19 from 11:00-12:00 p.m..

Catechumenate is an old-fashioned churchy word that means learning by hearing, geared especially for newcomers into the Christian faith. At the end of this time of preparation, you will be given the opportunity to become Confirmed or to Renew the promises made at your Baptism in the Episcopal Church. Ready to sign up? Email Gray@churchthatserves.wpstagecoach.com




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