Join us Friday, September 21, 7-10 p.m. at the home of Deb and Kevin Samples, 729 King Fisher Drive, Brownsburg, 46112. The theme for this R&R is “Aloha, friends!”, using “Aloha” in its embrace of being friendly, hospitable, and welcoming.  Wear your Hawaiian attire and come prepared to relax, renew, and refresh with good food and drink. RSVP to Deb […]
Ever wanted to have a spiritual conversation over your favorite beverage and meal? Come to Pub Theology on Tuesday, October 2 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at Green Street Pub in Brownsburg (911 N. Green Street). Our topic: Doubt, Doubters, and Doubting! What do we do with our spiritual doubts? How do we express doubt in a community of faith? Can we […]