Please join one of our “Cottage Conversations” to re-engage and discuss our ideas for the Village Hub. If you are unfamiliar with our “Village Hub”, you can learn more about it on our website, here. We have chosen several dates to meet, and one is even a ZOOM call for the convenience of those of us who don’t want to or can’t travel. The list of dates is as follows:

 10/9/2023          6 PM to 8 PM at Messiah Lutheran Room 123/125

 10/16/2023       6 PM to 7:45 PM at Brownsburg Library Moore Meeting Room

10/19/2023        6 PM to 8 PM at Messiah Lutheran Room 123/125

10/22/2023        11 AM to 1 PM at Harris Academy Cafeteria 

10/26/2023        6 PM to 8 PM ZOOM — Zoom Meeting Link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82702270315

                                                                      Meeting  ID: 827 0227 0315

11/4/2023          1 PM to 3 PM at Brownsburg Library Pearson Meeting Room

Please click the link for the date(s) you would like to RSVP for. If you have any difficulty registering for an event, please reach out to our administrative assistant, Bri (admin@churchthatserves.org) and let her know which date(s) you would like to attend and she can manually register you.

This is important work, and we respectfully request your input.


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