Good Samaritan’s Summer Retreat Weekend is Saturday, August 17 and Sunday, August 18, 2019 at Waycross in Brown County. Our theme this year: How To Be A Better Neighbor.

We’re entering a year-long exploration of how we can be better neighbors, especially as reconcilers and healers around issues of race and ethnicity. Our retreat will help all of us (adults, youth, and children) examine our own biases, privileges, and stories of race and ethnicity, think about how we can take helpful next steps to listen to the stories of people of many backgrounds and perspectives, and to grow in our faith to be the change we want to see in the world. We’ll be joined by a facilitator from the Kaleidoscope Institute, an organization connected with the Episcopal Church that provides training for diverse and changing world.

Come away and relax, enjoying Waycross’ beautiful views, winding trails, ziplining, conversations, game night, campfire and lots of fun for families of all kinds (couples, singles, and families with kids are welcome).

Online registration is available now with full and shared cost options; deadline to register is July 30. Full and partial scholarships are also available; simply email Father Gray for more information.

Saturday, August 17, 2019
10:00-11:30 a.m. Arrive at Waycross (4879 Richards Road, Morgantown, Indiana)
10:30 a.m.: Optional tour of Waycross for newcomers
12:00 p.m. Lunch
1:30-3:30 p.m. Intergenerational Fun & Learning Session I
3:30-6:00 p.m. Free Time for everyone (with optional organized activities for Pool, Ziplining?, and Hiking)
6:00 p.m. Dinner
7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Intergenerational Fun & Learning Session II
8:30 p.m. Campfire & Evening Prayers
9:30 p.m. Board Games and Free Time

Sunday, August 19, 2018
8:00 a.m. Breakfast
9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Kids and Youth Activity
9:00-10:30 a.m: Fun & Learning Session III (Adults)
11:00 a.m. Worship service for everyone with Holy Communion
12:00 p.m. Lunch
1:00 p.m.: Service project



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