All are welcome to come to God’s table.
Christmas Eve Family-Friendly Candlelight Service: We’ll gather at Harris Academy for a festive Christmas Eve service on Sunday, December 24 from 10:00-11:00 a.m., followed by #ChurchThatServes. After worship, we’ll make treats for those who are working on Christmas Eve at Brownsburg Healthcare. Then, we’ll head up the street to sing carols to deliver them and to sing Christmas Carols for the residents. We will be wrapped up by 12:15 p.m. in order to enjoy the rest of day as Sabbath with family and friends.
Guests, newcomers, and out-of-town visitors are all most welcome to participate in any way that feels comfortable to you, and know you are invited to “blend in” and won’t be singled out in our worship service. (However, if you have questions or want to get connected, one of our greeters is glad to speak with you!)
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