Catechumenate is an old-fashioned churchy word that means learning by hearing, geared especially for newcomers into the Christian faith. For our community, it is a way to learn more about the Episcopal Church and who we are as a community of followers of Jesus at Good Samaritan. Catechumenate will take the place of our regular Spark2Serve Conversation Sundays (when we aren’t doing a service project) through the beginning of May and will last from 11am-12 noon after worship. At the end of this time of preparation, you will be given the opportunity to become Confirmed or to Renew the promises made at your Baptism in the Episcopal Church.  

Resources for this class:

Videos are from the Episcopal Church Multimedia Resources: with a focus on the “Jesus Movement”.

Read the book Jesus Was An Episcopalian by Chris Yaw

How will we spend our time?

The first half of the allotted hour will cover the topic of the day, led by Rev. Dr. Gray Lesesne or Director of Discipleship Erin Hougland, with some time for reflection within your small groups. Power point presentations of the topical discussion will be made available the week after they are covered on a Sunday morning.

The second half of the hour will cover what is happening in the Episcopal Church at large and what it means to be “the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement” with more table discussion and reflection in small groups. If you have any questions, please contact Erin or Gray.

What is the schedule?

March 12th, Day 1: History

BOOK: Ch’s Intro, 1,2,3

VIDEO: Word to the Church

March 26th, Day 2: Theology

BOOK: Ch’s 4, 5, 6

VIDEO: Jesus Movement

April 9th, Day 3: Worship

BOOK: Ch’s 7, 8, 9

VIDEO: Creating Us

April 23rd, Day 4: Mission

BOOK: Ch’s 10, 11, 12

VIDEO: I Am A Missionary

April 30th, Day 5: Spirituality

BOOK: Ch’s 13, 14, 15

VIDEO: Two Tables

May 14th, Day 6: Your Questions

BOOK: Whatever you have left!

VIDEO: New Revival


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