Sunday Mornings

On Sunday Mornings, Good Sam’s comes to life thanks to the work of several ministry teams. We welcome your participation and invite newcomers to participate. Find out more about each of our Ministry Teams below. 

Sunday Service Projects

Twice a month, the #ChurchThatServes partners with a local agency or group to serve our community after worship. These projects mostly happen where we worship (3949 South Green Street), but occasionally we do local activities. Work with our coordinator to create and manage a service project for a local agency. 


Offer a warm Good Sam’s welcome to our guests and regular members as they make a name tag. Share a welcome bag with newcomers.


Welcome Good Samaritans into our worship space, providing a service bulletin and a smile. Assist with collection of offering and guide worshippers forward for Communion.


Energize the #ChurchThatServes by preparing coffee (winter) or lemonade (summer) and bringing some delicious treats for our hospitality table. 


Read either the Scripture Lesson of the Day or the Prayers of the People as part of our worship. Be comfortable adjusting the microphone so that we can hear your voice.


Do you like to sing? Be a part of our twice-yearly seasonal choir or a part of a duet or trio that occasionally enhance our worship. Or, play an instrument to enhance an occasional worship service.


Older children and teens are involved in our worship service by serving as acolytes, carrying the cross or the Gospel into and out of the worship space.

liturgical GUILD

Arrive early and prepare the altar for Holy Communion. After worship, clean the sacred vessels and prepare them for their next use. Many people use this as a time to “pray in action”.

Eucharistic Visitors

Visit homebound members who cannot regularly be part of our Sunday worship and share Holy Communion and conversation.

Good Samaritan young people

Serve as a teacher, mentor or assistant with Good Samaritan’s Young People. Requires Safeguarding training.

video technology team

Have a penchant for technology or a passion for ensuring our viewers at home or on the road can hear and see the service? The Video Technology Team is for you!

Newcomer Brunches

Help welcome our newcomers by coordinating the setup of our brunch or by assisting with get-to-know you activities. Brunches are offered quarterly on Sundays after worship.

Connect with a Ministry Leader