Good Samaritans for Social Justice (GS4SJ)

The Social Justice Ministry:


Provides opportunities for Good Samaritans and our neighbors to learn practical ways that our faith calls us to serve and advocate with and for our neighbors and friends who are marginalized.


Partners with other organizations of faith and advocacy groups that are living out our baptismal promise to seek and serve Christ in all persons and respect the dignity of every human being. (e.g. Faith in Indiana, Hendricks County Alliance for Diversity)


Challenges us to build authentic relationships with our own neighbors, especially those who have historically been marginalized or oppressed.


Works with our Bishop’s Committee to lead Good Samaritan in becoming an anti-racist, multicultural church.

Mobile Library

In late August 2019, Good Samaritan began collecting a carefully curated selection of books to support learning more about our neighbors, about our country’s racial history, and about the ongoing work of reconciliation and dismantling racism.

Our library is available to all! Request a book by filling out the form below.

Growing Courageous Neighbors

In 2019, the people of Good Samaritan entered a year-long exploration of how we can grow as neighbors, especially as reconcilers and healers around issues of race and ethnicity.

We continue to journey together to examine our own biases, privileges, and stories of race and ethnicity, to think about how we can take helpful next steps to listen to the stories of people of many backgrounds and perspectives, and to grow in our faith as we strive toward God’s dream of beloved community.