Love, Simon was amazing and really did a great job outlining and pointing out the different ways kids are teased and ridiculed for being who they are and overall it was just very moving. Like some of the reviews say: it had me laughing and clapping and then crying within seconds. It really showed how parents, family and friends play […]
Good Samaritan’s Bishop’s Committee announced today that our congregation is the recipient of a generous $90,000 challenge grant opportunity in 2018 from our brothers and sisters at Christ Church Cathedral, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, and Trinity Episcopal Church. The grant was announced as part of Good Samaritan’s Annual Meeting festivities after our 10 a.m. worship service. The Bishop’s Committee, which is […]
The Reverend Gray Lesesne, D.Min. Sermon preached at Good Samaritan Episcopal Church Proper 14, Year A, August 13, 2017 Matthew 14:22-33 The waves and the wind are battering our boat this morning, and they are indeed frightening. The waves are those of hate and violence and fear and threats of war, cloaked in voices that seemingly cry for safety and […]
The Good Samaritan community will be on our annual weekend retreat at Waycross Camp and Conference Center on Sunday, July 23. There will be no worship at Harris Academy. Please consider joining us for worship at Waycross at 10:30 a.m. in the outdoor chapel, or if you can’t make it down, pray online with Pray As You Go! We’ll be […]
Join us Thursday evening, July 13, for a Compline prayer service, surrounded by the beautiful nature of Eagle Creek park. Afterwards we will hike one of the nearby trails. We will meet at the Earth Discovery Center. If you want to avoid the $5 entrance fee, park in the lot across from the South Entrance on 56th street and walk […]
Catechumenate is an old-fashioned churchy word that means learning by hearing, geared especially for newcomers into the Christian faith. For our community, it is a way to learn more about the Episcopal Church and who we are as a community of followers of Jesus at Good Samaritan. Catechumenate will take the place of our regular Spark2Serve Conversation Sundays (when we […]
Join us at Green Street Pub for our next Pub Theology on Ash Wednesday, March 1, from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Come and enjoy your favorite beverage and a meal while taking part in an interesting spiritual discussion led by The Very Reverend Bob Giannini, a wise and yet slightly irrevereant theologian who is the retired Dean of Christ Church Cathedral, Indianapolis. At the end of the evening, […]
This Sunday, December 18, Good Samaritan hosts our Christmas Pageant at 10:00 a.m., with FREE Breakfast with Santa afterwards at Harris Academy. Invite your friends and family to attend! All are warmly welcome, and walk-on roles are available for guests and newcomers. Parents, please have your child to church no later than 9:15. We would appreciate any help on getting our cast into their costumes, […]
Good Samaritan is a community of “do”ers. We not only talk the talk of serving our friends and neighbors, we seek to walk the walk nearly every time we gather. As we prepare for our formal launch this Sunday, September 11, here are three great reasons to serve with us that day: We’re blessing the Brownsburg Police and Fire trucks with our friends […]