We have lots of exciting things happening in the next few weeks. Be sure to add these important dates to your calendar so you don’t miss out! Sunday, December 15th at 10 a.m. – Pageant of the Nativity – Harris Academy Saturday, December 21st at 7:30 p.m. – The Longest Night Service – Messiah Lutheran Sunday, December 22nd at 10 […]
Glory to God, whose power working in us could do infinitely more than we could ask or imagine. Amen. Good morning, Good Samaritans. I am impressed with the number of people who are here today, considering it was 14 degrees this morning when I walked the dog. And when I say it was cold, I mean it was really cold. […]
Join Revs. Jim and Amy as we journey towards the cross with a cast of characters often swept to the margins of our Scripture accounts. Adults and children who crossed expected boundaries of ethnicity, gender expectations, and social status were all a part of Jesus’ story. This Lent, join us as we bring some of these hidden figures from Jesus’ […]
THIS Sunday, Sept. 25th, #ChurchThatServes will be collecting several items to recycle and benefit various community organizations. Help us show care for the earth and stewardship of items that can take on a new life through recycling them! This Sunday, please bring any of the following items to in-person service. Boxes will be available. Please bring any of the following […]
September 18, 2022 – We are so happy to welcome our new Vicar-in-Charge, The Reverend Father Jim Said, to his first Sunday at Good Sam’s! Be sure to come at 10 a.m. as Rev. Jim presides over his first service with us. After the service, join us at 11:00 a.m. in the cafeteria for “Ask the Saids!” to help get […]
Dear Serving People of Good Samaritan Episcopal Church, Greetings from Augusta, Georgia! Kim and I are very excited to be coming to Brownsburg for me to serve as your Vicar-in-Charge! We have been impressed with your tenacity, open-mindedness, and your vision statement of “ Love, serve, and include all people, no exceptions.” We are eager to get to know and […]
Dear Friends, It is with great joy and gratitude for the Lord’s blessings that we write to you on behalf of the Bishop’s Committee and Search Committee to announce that Good Samaritan Episcopal Church has called Father Jim Said as our new Vicar-in-Charge. His first Sunday with us will be September 18, 2022. Father Jim is a lifelong Episcopalian and […]
“Think and imagine a world where love – sacrificial, redemptive love – is the way.” Presiding Bishop Curry electrified listeners around the world with his message at the Royal Wedding. Come to the Explorer’s Forum this Sunday, June 3 from 9:00-9:45 a.m. in the library at Harris. We’ll watch Bishop Curry’s message together and then share our reflections on its […]
Audio Link: https://soundcloud.com/user-898760811/september-3-2017-live-like-the-truth-is-true You may have heard the same story I heard this past week on NPR, about a reporter named Al Letson, who is the host of the radio program and podcast Reveal. Al was interviewed about something that happened to him while he was reporting in Berkeley, California. Al was reporting at what was meant to be a right-wing […]