Join us for Holy Week! Palm Sunday– Harris Academy at 10 a.m. Maundy Thursday – Messiah Lutheran at 12 p.m. Taize Service or 7 p.m. Holy Eucharist w/ Feet/Hand Washing. Good Friday– Messiah Lutheran at 12 p.m. Stations of the Cross or 7 p.m. Solemn Good Friday Service. Easter Sunday – Harris Academy at 10 a.m. w/ Easter Egg Hunt […]
Join Revs. Jim and Amy as we journey towards the cross with a cast of characters often swept to the margins of our Scripture accounts. Adults and children who crossed expected boundaries of ethnicity, gender expectations, and social status were all a part of Jesus’ story. This Lent, join us as we bring some of these hidden figures from Jesus’ […]
We are partnering with St. Augustine Episcopal Church of Danville for Ash Wednesday! We will have two services of Holy Communion and ashes on Ash Wednesday, February 22. One will be at 12:00 noon, and the other will be at 6:30 p.m. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning Lent. St. Augustine Episcopal Church 600 N. Washington St. Danville, IN 46122  
We hope you will join us for Holy Week services – all are welcome! • Palm Sunday (4/10 @ 10 a.m.): Our regular Sunday service of Holy Communion starts outside Harris Academy with a festive procession & palms and ends with a dramatic reading of the Passion Gospel (Masks required indoors. Livestream will begin as soon as the procession moves […]
We hope you will join us online for Holy Week services! Palm Sunday (March 28) at 10 a.m. on Zoom or Facebook Live Maundy Thursday (April 1) at 7 p.m. on Zoom only Good Friday (April 2) at 7 p.m. on Zoom or Facebook Live Easter Sunday (April 4) at 10 a.m. on Zoom or Facebook Live
Helene Russell will offer a Restorative/Yin Yoga practice during Holy Week, on Tuesday, April 7 at 6 p.m. This practice is designed to still the mind as we let the body release into the poses. We will hold the poses for a few minutes as gravity helps the body and spirit sink into stillness. Our scriptural reference is “Be Still […]
Good Samaritan will be joining with our larger Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis to observe a virtual Holy Week at the IndyDio Virtual Abbey. Several congregations, including Good Sam’s, are “hosting” special services throughout the week. While this Holy Week will, for certain, be different from any that we’ve ever experienced, we invite you to lean in to the uniqueness of […]
Palm Sunday will look a lot different this year. The beginning of Holy Week starts off so beautifully, even in the school gymnasium where we rent space for our weekly worship. Our Good Sam’s Littles, Kids and Explorers all line up with palms, waving them just as triumphantly as the crowds did so long ago, shouting, “Hosanna!” to welcome our […]
Celebrate Holy Week at Good Samaritan! Sunday, April 14: Palm Sunday, 10 a.m.: Good Samaritans will gather on the front lawn of Harris Academy (weather permitting) for a festive Palm Sunday procession at the beginning of worship, remembering Jesus’ triumphant arrival in Jerusalem in the week prior to his death. The liturgy includes a congregational reading of the Passion narrative, […]