Title:             Vicar-in-Charge Duration:    Two-year appointment with opportunity to discern whether called to be the next Vicar Good Samaritan Episcopal Church, founded in September 2016 and affectionately known as Good Sam’s to the congregation and community, is made up of open-minded followers of Christ, whose primary mission is living our faith as the Church that Serves. While some […]
We have no new updates this week, but please remember that if you have any questions or concerns, you are always welcome to reach out to our wardens, David and Anne, at wardens@churchthatserves.org or to Mother Beth at beth@churchthatserves.org. Stay tuned!
We hope you will join us for Holy Week services – all are welcome! • Palm Sunday (4/10 @ 10 a.m.): Our regular Sunday service of Holy Communion starts outside Harris Academy with a festive procession & palms and ends with a dramatic reading of the Passion Gospel (Masks required indoors. Livestream will begin as soon as the procession moves […]
From the Vicar: When we shared a few weeks ago that I have discerned that it is time to leave my position as Vicar of Good Sam’s, we did not yet have a firm end date for my time here, only a window of “sometime after Easter.” While I am still not sure exactly what I will be doing next, […]
On Sunday, Junior Warden Anne Davis and Bishop’s Committee Member & Treasurer Melinda Sowers will give an update on our clergy transition during our worship service. Join us for the latest news! Bishop’s Committee is still looking for Good Samaritans to form a Vicar Farewell Committee. Please email Susan Burt at susanb632@yahoo.com to signal your interest in helping to plan […]
The Good Sam’s Bishop’s Committee met again last Sunday after church and then again with Jen Phelps from Indy Dio on Tuesday to continue preliminary discussions about various approaches to finding a new Vicar. During our conversations, we are trying to balance priorities such as minimizing potential length of time without a Vicar while finding qualified candidates that match Good […]
“Almighty and ever living God, you invite us deeper into your world, your people, your Lent. May this time be one of outward focus; seeking you in those we often ignore”. The #ChurchThatServes will hold a 40-day Lenten Food Drive to benefit Our Shepherd Lutheran Church (Avon), Blessing Boxes (Brownsburg), Brownsburg County Schools Food Pantry (Brownsburg area), or a nonprofit […]
Last weekend, we learned that Mother Beth has discerned that the role of Good Sam’s Vicar is not a long-term fit for her. While we know that Beth will be with us at least through Easter, we are already having early, initial conversations with Jen Phelps, Transition Minister for the Diocese. On Monday, February 28, the B.C. met with Jen […]
Dear Good Samaritans, With a heavy heart, I share with you today that over the past several months, I have discerned that the role of Vicar at Good Samaritan is not a good fit for what God is calling me to do and be. I want you to know first and foremost that I love this congregation. I meant every […]
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent, when we reflect on our faith and lives as we prepare for Easter and the renewal of our new life in Christ. We’ll have two opportunities to observe this solemn occasion: at noon, we’ll offer a brief outdoor service (exact location TBA) with Ashes to Go for those who prefer […]