From July to December 2018, The Reverend Patrick Burke will be with us as our Curate. (As a Curate, Patrick is ordained as a transitional deacon, preparing for ordination as a priest. He is being “cured” or “seasoned for ministry” by learning the art and craft of church planting and congregational leadership with us in an intensive internship setting for […]
Have you seen our new billboard on I-74 in Brownsburg? Good Samaritan is starting the Love Your Neighbor idea in Hendricks County as a way of simply encouraging our communities and neighborhoods and people to get to know, understand, and care for the people who live around us. Not just the people we like or who look like, think like, […]
Erica Ridderman joined Good Samaritan’s staff as our Intern for Discipleship and Spiritual Formation, on June 24. Erica’s main job will be to build on the great foundation we’ve got in our Going Deeper 1 and 2 small groups to create a whole network of small groups and learning and spiritual formation opportunities for both our members and our larger community. Bringing her […]
Good Samaritan Norm Minnick authored the poem below for River Sunday, the final of our four Creation Season Sundays in June. Thanks for sharing your gifts with us, Norm! THE POET SPEAKS OF RIVERS after Langston Hughes I, too, have known rivers. I’ve known rivers ancient as the world and older than the flow of human blood in human veins. […]
Good Samaritan’s Annual Retreat Weekend is Saturday, August 18 and Sunday, August 19 at Waycross in Brown County. Come away and relax, enjoying Waycross’ beautiful views, winding trails, ziplining, conversations, game night, campfire and lots of fun for families of all kinds (couples, singles, and families with kids are welcome). Online registration is available now with full and shared cost options, and […]
Good Sam’s Kids who have completed Kindergarten and up are invited to a summer movie night at the Brownsburg Public Library on Wednesday, June 13, 5-8pm. They will enjoy pizza, popcorn, drinks, and a special treat while they watch the movie. This is a drop off event, but parents are welcome to stay and watch the movie too. The Chronicles […]
“Think and imagine a world where love – sacrificial, redemptive love – is the way.” Presiding Bishop Curry electrified listeners around the world with his message at the Royal Wedding. Come to the Explorer’s Forum this Sunday, June 3 from 9:00-9:45 a.m. in the library at Harris. We’ll watch Bishop Curry’s message together and then share our reflections on its […]
#ChurchThatServes: Next Wednesday, June 6 at 7:00 p.m., we’ll be back at Brownsburg Community School Corporation Food Pantry here at Harris Academy. Meet at Door 7A! We’ll sort through the delivery from Gleaners Food Bank to make it all ready for clients who are coming on Thursday. Afterwards, we’ll turn the table of service into a table of prayer. We […]
Good Samaritan’s Annual Retreat Weekend is Saturday, August 18 and Sunday, August 19 at Waycross in Brown County. Come away and relax, enjoying Waycross’ beautiful views, winding trails, ziplining, conversations, game night, campfire and lots of fun for families of all kinds (couples, singles, and families with kids are welcome). Online registration is available now with full and shared cost options, and […]
As the end of the school year approaches; the summer adventures begin and St Andrew’s Episcopal Church of Greencastle, IN is kicking it off with their, ‘Combined Youth Group Scavenger Hunt’ on Thursday, May 20th between 6-8pm. Not only will it be a time for fun and riddle-solving, there will also be dinner in DePauw University’s Nature Park a wonderful […]