Great news! Good Samaritan is the proud recipient of an Indiana Center for Congregations grant of $30,000 that will fund nine months of Racial Reconciliation conversations, study, healing, immersive experiences and spiritual workfor our church and neighborhood, starting in July. Every day in the news, there are fresh headlines about division, injustice, violence, and discrimination that reveals we are a country […]
Join our online conversation group meeting via Zoom from 7:00- 8:15 pm on Sundays, August 4, 11, 18 and 25 as we read and talk about Waking Up White, and Finding Myself in the Story of Race by Debby Irving. “My hope,” Irving says, “is that by sharing my sometimes cringeworthy struggle to understand racism and racial tensions, I offer a fresh […]
Good Samaritan’s strategic planning group has recently completed the following as we develop a plan for meeting and worshipping when our lease at Harris Academy expires in August 2021: We conducted a congregational listening/brainstorming gathering on May 5, with more than 85 in attendance, which generated many creative ideas. We completed a professional demographics analysis of Brownsburg, Avon, and the Eagle Creek […]
Creation Season begins! Every summer, Good Sam’s celebrates the joy and wonder of God’s good Creation with a special liturgical season. Each week at 10 a.m., we’ll feature special liturgies with special activities afterwards: June 16: Diversity Sunday, featuring a special service project afterwards focused on diversity June 23: Trail Sunday, featuring a walk along a local trail after worship […]
Good Samaritan’s Summer Retreat Weekend is Saturday, August 17 and Sunday, August 18, 2019 at Waycross in Brown County. Our theme this year: How To Be A Better Neighbor. We’re entering a year-long exploration of how we can be better neighbors, especially as reconcilers and healers around issues of race and ethnicity. Our retreat will help all of us (adults, youth, […]
Join us for the next round of Doubters & Skeptics on Tuesday, June 4 from 6:30-8:00, where we talk about big questions of faith and doubt. Next up: Christianity and other religions. How do we make sense of wide variety of religions in the world? Is ours “right” and others are “wrong”? Do they all basically teach the same thing? Or […]
On May 1, Good Sam’s signed a lease for a 130 square foot weekday office at Elevate in downtown Brownsburg (7230 Arbuckle Commons, Suite 110). This is a golden opportunity for us to be a weekday presence as the ChurchThatServes in the middle of one of the fastest-growing parts of Hendricks County, and will help us to meet and connect […]
Good Samaritan Hiring Administrator Job Title: Administrator Effective: June 1, 2019 Status: 20 Hours per week, Non-Exempt Benefits: Leave time per employee manual, 403(b) pension contribution + match Salary: $16/hour (+ 4% 403b contribution + 5% match = $17.44/hr) Office Hours: 9a-1p M-F, occasional evening meetings Good Samaritan Episcopal Church is a growing community of open-minded Christians who seek to […]
Celebrate with the #ChurchThatServes as we walk in IndyPride on Saturday, June 8, 2019 as part of our mission of loving, including, and serving all people, no exceptions! We’ll carpool from Harris Academy (725 S. Green Street) at 8:00 a.m. and meet up with those walking from other Indiana Episcopal Churches. We will return to Harris immediately following the Parade’s […]
Join us for a conversation with State Senator J. D. Ford, the first openly gay person elected to the Indiana State House, on Tuesday, May 8 at Harris Academy from 6:30-8:00 p.m.. Learn about Senator Ford’s life, campaign, legislative focus, and his call to youth in areas of societal leadership and service. This event is co-sponsored by the Hendricks County […]