Dear Good Samaritans, On Sunday, your Bishop’s Committee discussed the Re-Opening Guidelines we received last week from the Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis. We commend the Bishop’s document for your review. Of particular note in Bishop Jennifer’s guidelines: No congregation is required to return to its church building for in-person public worship. We have the bishop’s full support if we judge […]
Good morning! Zoom is having some system-wide outages this morning. Our link ( is not working for some…please, if you’re having difficulties, try calling in at +13017158592 or watch us on Facebook Live at 9:55 a.m.!
The following Joint statement of Brownsburg Congregations was released on May 15, 2020 by the clergy of Good Samaritan Episcopal Church, Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church, and Calvary United Methodist Church in Brownsburg. Dear Friends in Christ, As you may be aware, three young people in Brownsburg posed this week in a photo containing a racial slur, which has been widely shared […]
Join us for Virtual Pub Theology on Tuesday, May 26 from 6:00-7:15 p.m. as we explore the “New Normal” with Good Samaritan’s own Dr. Christina Maxwell. Christina is a clinical psychologist and has over 10 years of experience working with individuals struggling with issues including, trauma, anxiety, depression, substance abuse, relationship difficulties, identity issues, and life transitions. She’ll lead us […]
Social distancing got you feeling disconnected? Make connections and deepen your spirituality with our second Virtual Going Deeper small group! Going Deeper is one of the best ways to get to know other Good Samaritans and to get connected in our congregation. It is a way to deepen your spiritual connection with a small group with other newcomers and long-timers […]
As part of our ministry of loving, serving, and including all people, no exceptions, Mother’s Day at Good Sam’s is a little different. When children are baptized here, we all promise to do all in our power to raise up our all of children in a life in Christ. This means that all of our children are nurtured by everyone […]
During our online hangouts, our Good Sam’s Kids have been studying the Psalms. This past week, they worked together and wrote their own psalm! As you read it, keep in mind that these kids are only in 1st-4th grades. They are true disciples! God, I look out and see your beautiful world that you created. I see the green grass, […]
CELEBRATE HARRIS, ALPHA AND EQUALITY ALLIANCE GRADUATES This year’s high school graduates will not be getting their usual ceremonies and parties.  We want them to know we still celebrate them.  We will mail them each a graduation card and a gift card to show them we care!  Harris will have around 75 graduates, Equality Alliance has 3 and ALPHA has […]
Thanks to your generous donations, we have now completed this ministry of honoring our healthcare and essential workers with snack donations to keep them going and brighten their day!
As part of our Growing Courageous Neighbors programming, we are pleased to announce an online discussion of Jennifer Harvey’s book, Raising White Kids. The Rev. Dr. Jennifer Harvey is an award-winning author, educator, and public speaker. Her work focuses on ethics and race, gender, sexuality, activism, spirituality and politics—with particular attention to how religion shows up in these dimensions of […]