October 11 is Purple in the Pews to Raise awareness about domestic violence. Wear purple to church this Sunday at either the 10 a.m. online service or the 11:15 a.m. in person service to help raise awareness.
The Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers, canon to Presiding Bishop Michael Curry for evangelism, reconciliation and stewardship for creation, will be this year’s diocesan convention keynote speaker. On October 7 at 7 p.m. Eastern/6 p.m. Central, she will give a pre-convention workshop titled “Serving as Beacons of Christ.” Join the workshop via Zoom webinar here. The author of Radical Welcome: Embracing God, […]
Good Sam’s Kids, Explorers, and Pathfinders Fun Fourth Friday is TONIGHT! Help us kick off the Halloween season with a kid-friendly outdoor Halloween movie. Kids are invited to wear a costume, and to bring a snack and a chair. This is a drop-off event. Registration is required and all in-person gathering guidelines must be met. If bad weather or an […]
Good Samaritans for Social Justice (GS4SJ) are still looking for volunteers interested in joining Faith in Indiana/ACT Indiana in a virtual canvassing activity to get potential voters to vote in the November 3rd election. This would include a one-hour training session on Tuesday night from 6 – 7 p.m. (9/29 ,10/6, or 10/13) and participating in virtual canvassing from 6 […]
Are you new to Good Sam’s? Welcome! Good Sam’s 101 is the on-ramp course to plug in more deeply, learn more, and help you make connections. It is our basic “membership information class,” and upon completion, you’ll receive a no-pressure invitation to join Good Sam’s as part of our worship when we’re back together in person. Our next Virtual Good […]
While 2020 has taken us on a wild roller coaster ride, we as a community that loves, serves, and includes all people have experienced unexpected faith during these unexpected times. After all, who could have predicted seven months ago, we’d be engaging in thoughtful reflection questions each Sunday via Zoom, serving our neighbors through porch drops and from folding tables […]
Catch up with your fellow Oldies but Goodies via Zoom next Saturday, Sept. 26 at 6 p.m.! Bring your favorite beverage and catch up with friends new and old!
Good Sam’s will be hosting our first ever Trunk or Treat on Thursday, Oct. 29th, (time TBD) and we need YOU! Participants will be asked to decorate their trunks or truck beds with fun, family-friendly Halloween themes. This event will be in conjunction with the Harris Food Pantry. Participants and guests are encouraged to bring a Thanksgiving side dish pantry […]
Please join us on Monday, Oct. 5 at 6:30 p.m. This month we are reading “The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man” by James Weldon Johnson. This is a classic fictional story, originally published in 1912, that probes the psychological aspects of a Black man “passing for White” and also examines the American caste and class system. All are welcome to […]
Your old, dusty DVDs may be ready for a new home at ALPHA! Watching DVDs is part of the Fun Friday reward for their hard-working students. Because some students are older, PG and PG-13 movies can be shown. Here is a list of the movies presently available. Contact Deb Samples for pickup/drop off arrangements.