2020 has been a difficult year for all of us. We have lost family members and friends to a terrible pandemic. Children have been forced to learn virtually. Businesses have closed. While some of us have not had to experience these things firsthand, we have read so many stories and prayed for those who have. It has become difficult to […]
Christmas Pageant | Dec. 20 | 10 a.m. We hope you’ll join us on Zoom or Facebook Live on Sunday, Dec. 20, for our first-ever Virtual Christmas Pageant. Our Good Sam’s Kids, Explorers, and Pathfinders worked hard to make this brand new script (written by our very own Barbie Russell) come to life! Christmas Eve | Dec. 24 | 4 […]
When I arrived as the Rector of All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Glen Rock, New Jersey in 2003, Father “X,” one of the congregation’s former clergy, still lived in the neighborhood. Although he had accepted a new call to another church, he never told the people of All Saints’ goodbye, and he kept showing up at the church for weddings, […]
We will be in the parking lot of Messiah Lutheran on Sunday, November 29 from 1-2 p.m. so people can have a no contact way to say goodbye to Father Gray. Make a sign for your car or decorate your car in whatever way you choose to let Gray know we will miss him and to thank him for starting […]
We are starting a Porch Drop opportunity for The Gathering Together, hospice home in Plainfield, run by a nurse whose mission is to care for those who are passing on. The founder is Rita Fiorentino. Rita has been doing this for 20+ years, and she and her volunteers work completely free of charge to care for their critically ill patients. […]
Are you looking for a little more joy in your life right now? Try gratitude. “In my 12 years of research on 11,000 pieces of data, I did not interview one person who had described themselves as joyful, who also did not actively practice gratitude,” writes Brene Brown, the University of Texas sociologist and motivational speaker (who also happens to be […]
October 9, 2020   Dear Good Samaritans, It is with mixed emotions that I write to share with you that I have accepted a new call to serve as the Dean and Rector of Christ Church Cathedral, Indianapolis. I am incredibly proud of all we have done together over the last five and a half years in planting and cultivating […]
Come help us do fall clean up to the flower beds at Harris and paint the picnic tables we purchased to help the students social distance at lunch time. Wear clothes and shoes appropriate for outdoor work. We will begin at noon and children are welcome to participate, as long as they can socially distance. We will be working socially […]
Good Samaritan Episcopal Church and Calvary United Methodist Church are co-hosting a Virtual Pub Theology Gathering on Zoom. We are inviting all candidates for Brownsburg Community School Corporation Board of Trustees to participate via videos prepared in advance. Our topic will be Inclusion, Racial Justice, and Reconciliation. We’ll ask each candidate: What do the terms inclusion, racial justice and reconciliation […]
“God created us because He thought we would like it,” writes Anne Lamott in her book Hallelujah, Anyway. She notes: “This stops me in my tracks. We would like it? Yes, of course we like the friendly, warm, or breathtaking parts of life. But it’s so hard for almost everyone here, the whole world over, let alone my own beloved. […]