Dear Friends,

It is with great joy and gratitude for the Lord’s blessings that we write to you on behalf of the Bishop’s Committee and Search Committee to announce that Good Samaritan Episcopal Church has called Father Jim Said as our new Vicar-in-Charge. His first Sunday with us will be September 18, 2022.

Father Jim is a lifelong Episcopalian and has a long history of service. He holds a BA in Spanish with an outside field in Business Administration from Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. Before moving to Alexandria, Virginia to attend seminary, Jim and his wife, Kim, were residents of Indianapolis, Indiana.

Jim earned his Master of Divinity degree from the Virginia Theological Seminary, where he was the recipient of the 2013 Virginia Seminary Ford Chair in recognition of his strong commitment to the community and mission of the Seminary.

He was ordained to the priesthood at St. Thomas Episcopal Church in College Station, Texas on January 18, 2014.

Father Jim is departing St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church in Augusta, Georgia where he has been Rector since December 1, 2016.

Jim is passionate about ministries that provide outreach and real support to those on the margins. He has been a board member of the St. Stephen’s Ministry of Augusta, Inc., which is an Episcopal Church founded organization dedicated to providing housing for persons with HIV/AIDS who are low income or homeless while facilitating independence, dignity, and well-being through safe, affordable, and appropriate housing. He has also been on the board of the Progressive Religious Coalition of Augusta and the CSRA, which is a group of interfaith clergy and religious leaders committed to socially aware expressions of religious values in this area.

Father Jim is the right person to join Good Sam’s at the right time to lead us and bring energy, love, and joy through the Gospel. Our mutual discernment confirmed our aligned commitment to Love, Serve, and Include All – No Exceptions. He is especially excited to work with a team of Good Samaritans to find a new Worship space as well as resuming work on The Village Hub.

This transition brings Jim “back home again in Indiana” where he and Kim have children and grandchildren in the area.

While we eagerly await Jim’s arrival, please think about how you can help Good Sam’s as well as Jim and Kim by serving as a member of a welcoming committee. Also, please be preparing yourself for this transition to our new Vicar-in-Charge with an open, loving heart and an open mind.

Thank you all for your prayers, your faith, and your trust during this search. We also want to express our sincere thanks to everyone who has stepped up their service over the past 10 weeks. Finally, many thanks to Bishop Jennifer and the Indy Dio Transition Minister, Jen Phelps, for their support and counsel.

With Christ’s Love,

David Huang

Anne Davis

David Huang, Senior Warden

Anne Davis, Junior Warden


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