Who’s On First: Worship & Pastoral Care During the Transition

As Mother Beth finishes her time at Good Samaritan, you might be wondering: who’s leading

worship now? Who do I call if I have a pastoral emergency? Who do I ask my random ques-
tions? Here’s what we know!

  • Our own Amy Lindeman Allen, Yvonne Brandenburg, and Cal Brandenburg will be providing much of our Sunday worship leadership, including the next three weeks. We’ll also be welcoming some local Episcopal clergy as guest preachers and presiders, including transition minister Jen Phelps and Canon Kristin White. Watch the e-news and bulletins each week to see who’s on for the following Sunday!
  • Cal and Yvonne will also be covering pastoral care until the Vicar-in-Charge (VIC) arrives. Please don’t hesitate to email/call/text them! (Email or text is great for “just a heads up” messages; please call if there is an immediate need.) You can reach Cal at cbrandyc1@sbcglobal.net or 317-445-6724, or Yvonne at ybrandy2@sbcglobal.net or 317-410-7518.
  • Most ministries continue to be led by the same lay leaders you’re used to, so you can keep asking them most of your questions! If you’ve got big picture questions or you aren’t sure who to ask, though, you can always text Senior Warden David Huang (317-209-6489) and Junior Warden Anne Davis (317-488-9081) and they can point you in the right direction. Parish Administrator Astrid is also available Mondays-Thursdays between 9-2; you can email her at admin@churchthatserves.org any time, or text/call 317-939-1101 during her office hours.


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