
At Good Samaritan, we believe marriage is a joyful event and a public proclamation of the love between two people, and the blessing of Christ on that union. We encourage you to contact our priest, The Rev. Dr. Gray Lesesne, to set up an initial conversation.

Holy Baptism

Holy Baptism is the sacrament by which one embraces the Christian way and becomes a member of Christ’s body, the Church. Baptism is an event of primary significance and celebration, not just for the individual, but for the whole church. Baptisms for infants, children, and adults are offered throughout the year on specific Sundays and always on Easter Sunday. Preparation is offered regularly in anticipation of Baptism Sundays. For upcoming Baptism dates and registration, please contact our priest, The Rev. Dr. Gray Lesesne.

Funeral and Memorial Services

A death in the family can be reported to our priest, The Rev. Dr. Gray Lesesne. Our clergy will assist with funeral or memorial plans and can recommend the services of an undertaker.