Plan for the Future (Now and Next Steps)

Good Samaritan Episcopal Church is growing! As part of this growth, we recently moved into a new (to us) church building at 3949 S. Green Street in Brownsburg. As the #ChurchThatServes, this move allows our congregation to continue living its mission of loving all, serving all and including all–no exception. Thank you to all who have helped us prepare the building for our first service, which will be held on Sunday, January 5 at 10 a.m. On Saturday, January 11, we will welcome Bishop Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows for a special blessing of our new space, along with a sermon by special guest preacher, The Very Rev. Gray Lesesne, D.MIN. 

Church at 3949 S. Green Street, Brownsburg, Indiana

As our next step, Good Samaritan is seeking visionary nonprofit partners with whom we can dream together to co-create a village hub on 56th street halfway between Raceway Road and Ronald Reagan Parkway, on the threshold between Hendricks and Marion Counties. This area is growing rapidly and is well served by easy access to nearby neighborhoods and a community of more than 200,000 people within a 15 minute drive time.

We envision this hub as a place where the needs and gifts of our neighbors, the Good Samaritan congregation, and our nonprofit partners can all intersect on a daily basis. As an inviting and flexible space where everyone belongs, the hub will be a place to serve others, to be served by others, to learn, to celebrate and honor diversity, to worship, and to grow in our abilities to be better neighbors with and for each other. 

As a 501c3, the village hub would be co-owned and managed jointly by Good Samaritan Episcopal Church and nonprofit partners. Together, we will pursue funding for this new model of what it means to be a growing healthy and whole-hearted community – church and nonprofits working together through demonstration grants from local and national entities. You can find  more information here  or contact Rev. Jim Said.