Steps to Connect
Good Sam’s is a community grounded in relationships.
The best way to get to know us is to come and meet us in person. We are intentionally no-pressure and invite everyone to explore our community on their own timeframe and to take next steps as you are comfortable.
When you are ready, here are several ways to go deeper in your life of faith in Christ and deeper into the Good Sam’s community. There is no “right” way to do this….simply choose one of the steps that suits you best.

Regular Sunday Attendance
Sunday worship and serving our community are the primary ways we gather as a community. Worship is where we give thanks to God for all the blessings of this life and renew ourselves with prayer, with the wisdom of the sacred scriptures, and share Holy Communion. This empowers us to go back into the world to love, serve, and include all people, no exceptions.

Attend Good Sam’s 101
Good Sam’s 101 is the on-ramp course to plug in more deeply, learn more about Good Sam’s, and help you make connections. It is our basic membership information class, though there is no pressure to join anything. Good Sam’s 101 meets four times a year, usually on Sunday after worship and with lunch included. We gather for presentations with some time for you to meet other newcomers and a few of our ministry leaders.
Participate in a Going Deeper Group
The best way to meet others and start developing relationships is by joining a Going Deeper group. It is an opportunity to make a spiritual connection with other newcomers and long-timers through fellowship, scripture study, and is a safe place to share your spiritual story — and hear from others — in ways that are comfortable for you. Going Deeper usually meets once a week, on a weeknight, for four weeks in January, April, August, and October.

Serve in a Ministry
Get to know others by serving on a Sunday Morning Team. Our greeters, ushers, altar preparation, and hospitality teams welcome your participation. We offer an opportunity for you to “shadow” a member for as long as you like, and most ministries pair you with a partner to serve on Sunday morning so you’re never alone.
Membership & Giving
Becoming a member is easy. We ask that you attend a Good Sam’s 101, where we explain the membership process. If you are a new Christian, we’ll invite you to consider baptism and growing in the faith. If you are coming from another denomination or another Episcopal Church, we recognize the baptism you received in your previous church and can help you transfer your membership. On designated days throughout the year, we invite new members to come forward on a Sunday and say a prayer of welcome and for God’s blessing upon them.
If you have found a spiritual community at Good Samaritan and believe in our mission and vision of loving, serving, and including all people, then we ask you to give generously to support the ministry of the church.