Ministry Teams

Good Samaritan is a hands-on congregation.

Our ministries are overseen by our lay leaders and work in consultation with our Bishop’s Committee to efficiently and transparently facilitate healthy decision making and to keep us all headed in the same direction. In addition to our Sunday Morning ministries, our Ministry Teams include the following: 


Makes policy recommendations, reviews and manages employee handbook and job descriptions, reviews Diocesan Safeguarding God’s People and Safeguarding God’s Children expectations, conducts annual inventory, coordinates insurance coverage.


Works collaboratively to plan budget & income on an annual basis.  


Invites every Good Samaritan to joyfully give of their time, talent, and treasure for the work and ministry of our congregation as we serve the larger community.


Help with simple administrative tasks, such as answering the phone and being a friendly face or voice for our visitors, inserting announcements into Sunday bulletins, data entry and social media updates, etc. We are always grateful for assistance, whether you are able to help out just a few times a year, or on a weekly basis.

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