Make a Gift

Pledge to Give Consistently

What’s Consistent Giving all about?

At Good Samaritan, we believe that stewardship of time, talent, and treasure is an important component of a balanced spiritual life. A consistent gift or pledge is an estimate of giving; some call it a statement of intent. Your consistent gift amount may be changed, increased, or decreased during the year, at any time as your financial circumstances change. Simply notify our treasurer, and we will adjust your estimated gift. 

Why should I make a Consistent Gift?

Consistent giving allows you to make intentional decisions about your financial giving. Receiving your consistent gift allows our Bishop’s Committee, the church’s governing board, to do for our congregation what you do for your household: plan wisely for the use of our resources in support of the mission and ministry to which God has called us.

To make a Consistent Gift, fill out our confidential online form

Make a one-time contribution

Thank you for supporting the work and ministry of Good Samaritan Church. As a Church That Serves, we use our resources to give back to our community and to serve and love all people without exception. 

Your gifts help us be present to those in need and to serve them with loving and compassionate hearts. Your gifts also help us to build our new community of faith and service, helping us to grow deeper in our own spiritual life even as we keep our focus outward, following the way of Jesus. 

You can make a gift by clicking the link below, or by mailing a check to us at: P.O. Box 242
Brownsburg, IN 46112.