October 11 is Purple in the Pews to Raise awareness about domestic violence. Wear purple to church this Sunday at either the 10 a.m. online service or the 11:15 a.m. in person service to help raise awareness.
Good Samaritans for Social Justice (GS4SJ) are still looking for volunteers interested in joining Faith in Indiana/ACT Indiana in a virtual canvassing activity to get potential voters to vote in the November 3rd election. This would include a one-hour training session on Tuesday night from 6 – 7 p.m. (9/29 ,10/6, or 10/13) and participating in virtual canvassing from 6 […]
Your old, dusty DVDs may be ready for a new home at ALPHA! Watching DVDs is part of the Fun Friday reward for their hard-working students. Because some students are older, PG and PG-13 movies can be shown. Here is a list of the movies presently available. Contact Deb Samples for pickup/drop off arrangements.
Now more than ever, we stand ready to serve our community. Are you able to help out your fellow Good Samaritans and vulnerable community members in need by running errands, assisting with groceries, etc.? Click here to help us assemble everyone’s availability in one place so we can quickly mobilize when needs arise.
Help #LoveYourNeighbor this Sunday, March 15 by bringing extra toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and disinfecting wipes to share with households who are out. We’ll offer them to both our fellow Good Samaritans and to our friends and partners at Family Promise of Hendricks County!
Good Samaritan Outreach has two very special projects in March; please read about them below to see how you can participate. Sunday, March 1 – We will be collecting feminine hygiene supplies for Project Period. This organization partners with schools and community organizations in Indiana to provide free feminine hygiene products to those who struggle financially or are experiencing temporary […]
The #ChurchThatServes will be assembling bags with food to supplement students over spring break.  We will be filling Go Bags for 2 elementary schools so these students who are on free/reduced lunch plan will have some food to tide them over the break when they will not be getting a school lunch. We will also be doing Ramen Rescue for […]
On Sunday, March 1, the #ChurchThatServes will be collecting feminine hygiene products for Project Period. Project Period partners with schools and community organizations in Indiana to provide free feminine hygiene products to those who struggle financially or are experiencing temporary hardship. They are dedicated to ensuring that these girls and women do not go without the necessary products to live […]
You are welcome to join on of the three random Acts of Kindness groups after church this Sunday, October 7. We needs lots of help doing fall flower bed clean up and weeding at Harris. Come dressed to work outside and bring your shovel and gloves if you have them!  If that isn’t your cup of tea, join one of […]
Good Samaritan is sponsoring a Community Trans 101 Workshop on Tuesday, August 28 from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at the Media Center at Harris Academy (Enter through Door #1), with pizza dinner included. All LGBTQIA+ supportive people are welcome to our event, which is being co-sponsored by the Hendricks County Alliance for Diversity.  Lauren Easterling, a member of our sister congregation Episcopal Church […]