We are starting a Porch Drop opportunity for The Gathering Together, hospice home in Plainfield, run by a nurse whose mission is to care for those who are passing on. The founder is Rita Fiorentino. Rita has been doing this for 20+ years, and she and her volunteers work completely free of charge to care for their critically ill patients. […]
Good Samaritans for Social Justice (GS4SJ) are still looking for volunteers interested in joining Faith in Indiana/ACT Indiana in a virtual canvassing activity to get potential voters to vote in the November 3rd election. This would include a one-hour training session on Tuesday night from 6 – 7 p.m. (9/29 ,10/6, or 10/13) and participating in virtual canvassing from 6 […]
Good Sam’s will be hosting our first ever Trunk or Treat on Thursday, Oct. 29th, (time TBD) and we need YOU! Participants will be asked to decorate their trunks or truck beds with fun, family-friendly Halloween themes. This event will be in conjunction with the Harris Food Pantry. Participants and guests are encouraged to bring a Thanksgiving side dish pantry […]
Know of a neighbor, friend, or someone who could benefit from a connection with the #ChurchThatServes? We strive to be Neighbors Helping Neighbors, and we have helped students get back to school clothes and books, helped yards get mowed, delivered meals to households facing illness, and have even been able to help out with some mortgage payments and rent. We strive to do […]
Our City Coalition (OCC) is a new group in the Indianapolis area focused on harm reduction. OCC is currently working with a group of local clergy known as the Faith Aid Support Team (FAST) and are using Christ Church Cathedral as a home base during this time. On top of providing traffic control, food, and medics for groups protesting, snacks […]
“What do I say now? What do I do now? I want to do the right thing, but I’m not sure what that is. I don’t want to make things worse,” a Good Samaritan asked me this week. As our country, and especially our neighbors who are people of color, continue to hurt and ache in the wake of one […]
CELEBRATE HARRIS, ALPHA AND EQUALITY ALLIANCE GRADUATES This year’s high school graduates will not be getting their usual ceremonies and parties.  We want them to know we still celebrate them.  We will mail them each a graduation card and a gift card to show them we care!  Harris will have around 75 graduates, Equality Alliance has 3 and ALPHA has […]
Thanks to your generous donations, we have now completed this ministry of honoring our healthcare and essential workers with snack donations to keep them going and brighten their day!
Good Sam’s “Text Buddies” ministry is for people who would like to stay connected with other Good Sam friends through text messaging during the Covid-19 pandemic.  Email Nanci Slagle to join.
Good Sam’s “Send a Card” ministry exists to brighten the day of other people by sending a card. We will be calling on you often as we hear of people connected to our Good Sam’s community who could really benefit from your act of care and concern. Email Nanci Slagle to join.