The Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers, canon to Presiding Bishop Michael Curry for evangelism, reconciliation and stewardship for creation, will be this year’s diocesan convention keynote speaker. On October 7 at 7 p.m. Eastern/6 p.m. Central, she will give a pre-convention workshop titled “Serving as Beacons of Christ.” Join the workshop via Zoom webinar here. The author of Radical Welcome: Embracing God, […]
Good Samaritan will be joining with our larger Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis to observe a virtual Holy Week at the IndyDio Virtual Abbey. Several congregations, including Good Sam’s, are “hosting” special services throughout the week. While this Holy Week will, for certain, be different from any that we’ve ever experienced, we invite you to lean in to the uniqueness of […]
Dear Friends, I’m writing you to be a part of Good Samaritan’s upcoming Catechumenate, which is our intensive course for newcomers that runs each spring. Catechumenate is an old-fashioned churchy word that we’ve intentionally kept because its meaning is rich: it means learning by hearing, geared especially for those ready to make a step of maturity in your Christian faith. For Good Sam’s […]
We’re delighted to have Bishop Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows at Good Sam’s on Sunday, March 1. As Bishop, Jennifer serves as Good Samaritan’s chief pastor. Bishop Jennifer will preside and preach at 10 a.m., and then spend time in conversation with us after worship about Good Sam’s next steps in Growing Courageous Neighbors. Pro Episcopal tips: When the Bishop comes (which is […]
Bishop Jennifer is coming! The Right Reverend Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows, Bishop of Indianapolis, will make her first official visitation to Good Samaritan next Sunday, September 9 at 10:00 a.m., with a festive reception to follow. In the Episcopal Church, when the Bishop visits, it’s an “all come” event. Bishop Jennifer is the primary connector between our congregation and the larger church, […]
What do Cuba, marriage, gender, immigration and #MeToo have in common? Come and see at Explorer’s Forum Sunday, August 5 from 9:00-9:45 a.m. Father Gray, Lara Dreyer & Jeffrey Dreyer invite you to a conversation about the General Convention of The Episcopal Church held earlier this month in Austin, Texas.  Hear about who goes, what happens there and what changes […]
As the end of the school year approaches; the summer adventures begin and St Andrew’s Episcopal Church of Greencastle, IN is kicking it off with their, ‘Combined Youth Group Scavenger Hunt’ on Thursday, May 20th between 6-8pm. Not only will it be a time for fun and riddle-solving, there will also be dinner in DePauw University’s Nature Park a wonderful […]
So, if news about the wedding preacher, our Presiding Bishop, has awakened your curiosity, we invite you to visit Good Samaritan or any Episcopal Church soon. We are open-minded followers of Jesus Christ who focus on loving, serving, and including all people, without exception. And we will try to treat you like royalty, too. [Anglican Communion News Service] Episcopal Church Presiding […]