Going Deeper will meet the first four Sundays in October ( 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd) Looking for a great way to get to know new and long time Good Samaritans, join this Going Deeper Group. We will meet at the Brownsburg Library from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Interested or have questions, contact Melinda Sowers (treasurer@churchthatserves.org).
The countdown begins! Only 11 days until Fr. Jim’s first Sunday with Good Samaritan! Watch the video below from Fr. Jim and Kim giving us an update on their transition and a blessing for the day. father jim video
The new school year is upon us already! This Sunday (August 7th) is Educator Sunday! We will be recognizing our Good Sam’s folks who work in education, and the sermon will include a few educators sharing about their work. Our Good Sam’s Littles, Kids, and Youth are invited to take part as well. Wear your school colors, and bring your […]
Our Oldies but Goodies a.k.a “Oldies & Foodies” group will be meeting Saturday, August 6th at 5 p.m. at Sal’s Famous Pizzeria. As a reminder, there is no age restriction to join this fun group. All adult foodies are welcome! Please reach out to Rita O’Connor with questions or to RSVP (roconnor235@gmail.com).
Dear Serving People of Good Samaritan Episcopal Church, Greetings from Augusta, Georgia! Kim and I are very excited to be coming to Brownsburg for me to serve as your Vicar-in-Charge! We have been impressed with your tenacity, open-mindedness, and your vision statement of “ Love, serve, and include all people, no exceptions.” We are eager to get to know and […]
Good Sam’s will be hosting our first ever Trunk or Treat on Thursday, Oct. 29th, (time TBD) and we need YOU! Participants will be asked to decorate their trunks or truck beds with fun, family-friendly Halloween themes. This event will be in conjunction with the Harris Food Pantry. Participants and guests are encouraged to bring a Thanksgiving side dish pantry […]
Join us for our annual community celebration of diversity! Sponsored by the Hendricks County Alliance for Diversity, the annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration and Multicultural Pitch-in Dessert provides a family-friendly opportunity for people of all cultures to come together to share a dessert and fellowship. This event is free to attend, but space is limited. Attendees are […]
On May 1, Good Sam’s signed a lease for a 130 square foot weekday office at Elevate in downtown Brownsburg (7230 Arbuckle Commons, Suite 110). This is a golden opportunity for us to be a weekday presence as the ChurchThatServes in the middle of one of the fastest-growing parts of Hendricks County, and will help us to meet and connect […]
Good Samaritan is hosting an Election Eve Prayer Vigil on the Brownsburg Town Hall Green on Monday, November 5 from 6:00-6:30 p.m. We will gather and offer a simple, short prayer service open to people of all faiths; as a non-partisan gathering, we will pray for all candidates who have offered themselves for public office, and pray for our towns, […]
Chief Joseph Grimes from the Brownsburg Police Department will join us for a open forum after worship this Sunday, September 16, 2018 from 11:00-11:45 a.m. to help us learn more about what’s going on in our community. He’ll share more about the services that Brownsburg Police Department provides to our community through existing staffing and current crime trends. He’s also […]