Sunday, April 9, 10:00 a.m. – Palm Sunday is the day we remember Jesus’s triumphal arrival in Jerusalem. Help prepare the way for Jesus by laying a path of cloaks and palm leaves as we make our way into the building. After the service, we will decorate butterflies and Allelu—oops! (Almost said it too soon!) We will use these as part of our children’s procession on Easter Sunday! We will also learn about Maundy Thursday, and have a foot-washing lesson.

Thursday, April 13, 6:00 p.m. – Maundy Thursday Love Feast at Harris Academy – Good Sam kids are invited to sit together where we will talk about how to be good followers of Jesus, remembering our Good Sam’s Kids Promise to use our hands to serve, love our neighbors as ourselves and respect the dignity of all people. We will decorate a banner with our Easter promises.

Sunday, April 16, 10:00 a.m.
 – Easter Sunday! We will start the service with a children’s and youth procession (think parading around the church) where we will wave our butterflies and Allelu—you know the word! During the service, we will have an Easter lesson, and then come back for a special Children’s sermon. We will also be singing our song we’ve been practicing, “Lord, I Want to be a Christian”.

Sunday, April 16, 11:00 a.m.
 – Easter Egg Hunt! After church, grab your Easter baskets and meet us at Door #12 to help us find 400 Easter eggs! Following our egg hunt, it will be time for a fun service project. We will fill Easter bags with treats for our on-duty police officers and firefighters who are helping to keep us safe on this very special day.

Looking for Good Sam’s Holy Week Worship Schedule? Click here.



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