In-person worship resumes this Sunday at 10 a.m.! We’re excited to get to see you all again. Here’s three things to know about the new setup:

  • If you’re joining us in person, please be sure to wear a mask (ages 3 and up) regardless of your vaccination status. We recommend a high grade mask such as N95 or KN94 masks; a surgical mask (or two) is better protection than a cloth mask. If you forget your own or want to upgrade, we’ll have some at the greeters’ table.
  • If you’re joining us by livestream, please go to churchthatserves.org for both the video and the link to the bulletin. (We hope our streaming service will also connect the service to both Facebook and Youtube, but it’s our first week trying this for real, and the website is the strongest bet.)
  • Either way: know that the congregation will not be publicly viewable on camera unless you have signed up for an up-front role such as reading. While people are coming up to receive communion, the camera will be focused on our music team in order to protect the privacy of individual worshipers.

Keep reading for information on nursery care, children’s worship, and more!

Good Sam’s Littles (Age 5 and under)

We are so excited to announce that we are in the final stages of reopening our Good Sam’s Littles Nursery! The nursery will open on Sunday, March 13th at 9:45 am. In the meantime, we will use the next few weeks to share our procedural updates with parents and address any concerns or questions you may have. You are welcome to visit the nursery with Rachel and Barbie at any time during the next few Sundays to check out the space.

Soft spaces return THIS Sunday! For those of you with little ones in worship, we will now have four individual soft spaces for families to use. These spaces will be set up on the north side of the worship space, and will include a soft folding mat and some quiet toys for your child to play with. You’re also welcome to bring items from home, and we will still have the mailboxes for ages 3 and up. We know our young ones like to spread out on the floor, so these mats will make it much more comfy, and the mats can be easily cleaned and disinfected after use each week. Please reach out to Barbie or Rachel if you have any questions!

Good Sam’s Kids and Explorers (1st – 5th grade)

Yay! We are back in person THIS Sunday! This Sunday, we will be hearing about the signs and miracles during Jesus’ ministry. We have a few small changes for our Good Sam’s Kids and Explorers. First, Good Sam’s Kids and Explorers are invited to sit together during worship. You will find Barbie and Rachel near a section of chairs set aside for just for our group! You are also welcome to sit with your families. It’s totally up to you! After the Gospel reading, Mother Beth will invite all Kids and Explorers to exit with Barbie and a grown-up volunteer for our own biblical story sharing during the sermon. (PreK and Kdg. are also welcome to attend, but we may ask their grown up to come along with them if they like to wander.) We will return after the prayers for the people, which is just in time to exchange the peace with your family and fellow Good Samaritans. During Communion, we will once again be invited to come to the front and sit for a great view of the Eucharist. Whether you choose to come to the front or not, all of our Littles, Kids, and Youth will be first to be invited to take Communion. Afterwards, you will return to your seats until worship concludes. After church, we will meet in our classroom for a deeper dive into the story, along with an activity and some fun fellowship.

Good Sam’s Pathfinders & Sojourners (6th-12th grade)

We had a wonderful first lesson in our short Bible History Unit this past Sunday, asking the question: “What is the Bible?” Next week, we will be asking “How was the Bible written?” as part of this three week Unit. This foundational work is preparation for our five week Lenten deep dive into the Gospel of Luke.



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