Join us on January 30 at 10 a.m. for Annual Meeting as we elect these terrific folks to Bishop’s Committee & Diocesan Convention! You can read about each of our nominees here.
The Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis will offer Implicit Bias & Microaggressions: Faithful Reflection and Discernment of Next Steps on January 29, via Zoom, at 9 a.m. Eastern/8 a.m. Central. The three-hour workshop will explore ways to name personal biases, recognize microaggressions, and teach tools to help create intentionally inclusive environments. Registration is required. The workshop will be led by Andrea […]
Our Outreach team is forming a welcome team through Exodus Refugee Immigration to welcome Afghan refugees. Even if you are not on that team, there are ways to help! Currently, Exodus is finding housing for these families and has a shortage of curtains. We will be collecting curtains via a porch drop starting today, January 21 and continuing through January […]