Dear Good Samaritans,

As leaders of our congregation, our highest priority is the health, safety and wholeness of our people, with particular concern for those who are vulnerable and marginalized. As Good Samaritans, we are especially called to be good neighbors, protecting the weak and vulnerable in our larger communities. This evening, we have received direction from Bishop Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows to take the precautionary step of moving our worship from in-person gatherings to online gatherings until at least the end of March as a way to prevent the COVID-19 virus from spreading in our community. This is a practical and spiritual way that we can truly love our neighbors as ourselves.

Here’s what all this means for our Good Sam’s community:

  • On Sundays, Good Sam’s will worship online at 10 a.m. with a service of Morning Prayer. You can access the worship service here. (Don’t worry, we’ll send out a reminder link via email and post it again on Sunday morning on Facebook and on our website.)
  • We have postponed, indefinitely, our Civil Rights Pilgrimage scheduled for March 21-24. Of course, we are disappointed, but feel that this is in the best interest of the congregation and participants.
  • We are asking Good Sam’s ministry leaders to move all gatherings, meetings, and formation to online Zoom meetings for the foreseeable future.
  • We have directed our staff to work from home. You can always reach Astrid Caruso-Lynch, our administrator, on Tuesdays-Fridays from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. at 317-939-1101.
  • We are preparing to regularly check-in with Good Samaritans who are 60+ to keep in frequent touch with our more vulnerable members.
  • We are preparing a way to deliver groceries to those Good Sam’s members who may be quarantined in the coming weeks. If you’d like to volunteer, please let Nanci Slagle know. If you need groceries delivered, let Gray know.

Here’s what we’re asking of you:

  • Help us stay connected together as a community of faith. Worship with us online on Sunday morning at 10 a.m. as we pray for all who are affected by this crisis, especially those who face economic hardship because of job wage loss. And join us for pop-up online gatherings throughout the week…we’ll announce those via Facebook.
  • Please continue to support the ministries of Good Samaritan with your tithes and offerings. Our partnerships with local organizations such as Family Promise continue during this crisis. You can make an online gift here. We are mindful that there are some Good Samaritans who prefer to give their gifts through check and cash. You may mail a gift to us at 7230 Arbuckle Commons, Suite 110, Brownsburg, IN 46112.
  • Pause, give thanks for your blessings, and pray. If you need a handy prayer, here’s one: God of the present moment, God who in Jesus stills the storm and soothes the frantic heart; bring hope and courage to all who wait or work in uncertainty. Bring hope that you will make them the equal of whatever lies ahead. Bring them courage to endure what cannot be avoided, for your will is health and wholeness; you are God, and we need you. This we pray in Christ our Lord. Amen.  –A New Zealand Book of Common Prayer
  • Reach out to check on neighbors and loved ones and let us know if there is a way Good Sam’s can be of support to you or someone in need as we love, serve, and include all people, no exceptions.

Every time God or angels appear to humankind in Scripture, especially as Jesus appears at the empty tomb on Easter morning, the message of God is consistent: “Do not be afraid!” As followers of Jesus, we are called to model Christ’s loving, non-anxious presence in and for the world, even in the midst of chaos and uncertainty.

As this virus escalates, Gray will be as available as possible for pastoral care and prayer, primarily by phone (317-939-1101), text, email, and Facebook Messenger.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us.


The Rev. Gray Lesesne, Vicar
Kevin Samples, Senior Warden
Erin Tanner, Junior Warden


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