Looking for Good Conversation, Good Food, and Good Company? We’ll meet for Pub Theology on Wednesday, January 10 from 6-7:30 p.m. at Books & Brews in Brownsburg. Norm Minnick, a local poet and adjunct professor of poetry at local universities, will join us for an interesting exploration of how secular poetry can lead us to new and different understandings of […]
The Annual Meeting of Good Samaritan was on Sunday, January 7, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. You can get a detailed play-by-play by reviewing the Meeting’s Agenda and Powerpoint. Nanci Slagle and our Community Connections Team prepared a fantastic 2017 Church That Serves Year in Review Slideshow. (Click link to access download in Google Drive.) Our Bishop’s Committee presented another look at […]
Good Samaritan’s Bishop’s Committee announced today that our congregation is the recipient of a generous $90,000 challenge grant opportunity in 2018 from our brothers and sisters at Christ Church Cathedral, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, and Trinity Episcopal Church. The grant was announced as part of Good Samaritan’s Annual Meeting festivities after our 10 a.m. worship service. The Bishop’s Committee, which is […]