Our partners in ministry at Harris Academy have started a new incentive program for students designed to encourage positive behavior and academic excellence. Students are able to earn “Harris Bucks” and then redeem them for gift cards at local establishments. Principal Lynn Lodwick reports that the good news is that the program has been a wild success, and that behavior and academic achievement are up. Now, she needs gift cards so students can redeem them!

This Sunday, February 12, Good Samaritans will serve the students of Harris Academy by bringing $5-$10 gift cards from Starbucks, Marsh, Kroger, McDonald’s, CVS, Five Guys, OrangeLeaf…basically anywhere a high school student might like to stop and get a snack or a treat or some extra groceries. Will you help us cheer along our students at Harris on their way to success by bringing one or two gift cards with you?


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